Possible UTI: Could be a UTI and so you should have your urine checked. Urinating after sex, avoiding constipation and consuming enough fluid are basic principals to reduce the risk of utis.
Answered 6/10/2014
Seek medical attn: Seek medical attn to rule out a uti, kidney infection or even kidney failure. These need to be treated right away. Do not wait.
Answered 10/3/2016
Urinary Tract: Yes, you may have a uti. Since you are having back pain, it may indicate that the infection has traveled to your kidneys. It is impmortant for you to see a doctor because antibiotics may be necessary to clear the infection and prevent damage to your kidneys.. To prevent uti: drink lots of water, wipe front to back, urinate after sexual intercourse, do not use scented soaps or feminine products.
Answered 12/9/2013
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