A member asked:

I have a tarvol cyst. can it mimic sciatica? my lower back goes out to the point where i can barely walk and i feel it catching in my butt.

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Tarlov cyst: Tarlov cysts are cysts associated with nerve root sheaths. They are common and generally not cause any problems. Occasionally a bigger one may compress on a nerve root and cause symptoms such as sciatica. You need to discuss with your doctor to see whether it is compressing and irritating the correct nerve root and your symptoms. Sciatica is still most commonly caused by a slipped disc even in pre

Answered 4/15/2015



Sacroiliitis: The Tarlov cyst is not the cause of symptoms. Rather a compressed lumbar nerve or inflammation of the sacroiliac joint. The sacroiliac joints are located bilaterally at the level of the small dimples in the low back. Pain in this joint is made worse by rising from a seated position, rolling over onto the affected side while in bed, or taking a step up. Apply ice and see a back specialist.

Answered 12/2/2022



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