URI/ Tonsillitis: Gargle with salt and warm water, Take NSAID like Advil and Aleve (naproxen) for pain. Sipping hot Ginger Tea with Honey and Tumeric in warm water are good Home Remedies.
Answered 4/28/2017
See below: Consider using acetominophen for the fever and cepacol for the sore throat and naproxen and claritin (loratadine) for the illnesss. See your provider if things worsen.
Answered 4/6/2015
No!: You must get checked for a more serious issue: strep pharyngitis, strep abscess, or tonsillitis. (George Washington died of a strep abscess - you don't need to!) Even more likely: Infectious mononucleosis. Ibuprofen will help tide you over temporarily (400 mg with food every 4 hours), but you need to see your doctor in the morning for cultures and blood work.
Answered 4/5/2015
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