A member asked:

My echo from 5 years ago read mild pulmonary hypertension. my doctor thinks it is a misread. my reading was 36 mmhg. im very nervous bc i started reading about it and it's scaring me.

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. John Feola answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

R/O PULMONARY HTN: You need to get copies of your office notes and Echo . Then get a Pulmonary and Cardiology consult. They will help determine Primary vs Secondary Pulmonary HTN and go over treatment options. Please see the specialist in your area and get repeat ECHO and TEE.

Answered 1/21/2021


Dr. Liesa Harte answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Echo: The logical thing would be to get another echocardiogram in my opinion.

Answered 11/19/2016


Dr. Corey Clay answered

Specializes in Allergy and Immunology

Pulm hypertension: Pulmonary hypertension can be serious. Diagnosis by echocardiogram can be difficult and subtle. Consider requesting consultation with a Pulmonologist with experience. Early treatment could potentially be critical. The pulmonologist may agree with the misread or may suggest Right Heart Catheterization procedure to be sure.

Answered 11/19/2016



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