Not necessary: If it is just milk there is no need to remove it. If the white spots is limited to the tongue and can be removed easily with a qtip than it is likely just milk. If white spots on the roof of the mouth (palate), back of mouth or sides of gums, than it is possible that the baby has a fungal infection in her mouth. This would require medication from the physician to clear up.
Answered 5/4/2016
Newborn's mouth: Using a damp clean cloth, you should gently wipe out your baby's mouth (cheeks and gums) a few times per day. You can do the same to your baby's tongue, just be gentle and don't be so aggressive that it causes your baby to gag. If the white doesn't wipe off then have the pediatrician take a look, it may be thrush.
Answered 3/21/2015
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