A member asked:

I'm curious as to what have been your experiences with suicide attempts ?

9 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Get immediate help: Every suicide attempt or suicide idea should be treated seriously. Even those people who hurt themselves and don't have the intention to end their lives, can do serious damage or inadvertently kill themselves.Sometimes hospitalization is indicated, other times intense or regular outpatient treatment is the treatment of choice. You can always call 911 or a suicide hotline to get help immediately.

Answered 5/12/2016


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

They should be taken: seriously. Active thoughts of suicide with plan warrant evaluation at an emergency room. If experiencing suicidal thoughts one can call the National suicide hotlines 24/7 at 1-800-suicide (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273 – talk (1-800-273-8255) for support. Psychiatric hospitalization is sometimes indicated.

Answered 9/17/2014



Suicide: I have worked with many patients who have attempted or who have thoughts. What I listen for is depression, thoughts of self harm and a plan of action, hopelessness, social isolating, environmental stressors, etc.

Answered 3/28/2015



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