A member asked:

Bad itch won't go away, changed eating habits , have nausea at night?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Zachary Veres answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Pruritus: must check lab work including liver function tests to determine the cause. Please see your physician for an exam.

Answered 3/14/2015


Dr. Justin Greiwe answered

Specializes in Allergy and Immunology

Dry Skin?: Generalized itching without skin rash most commonly caused by dry skin. Most seen in the winter and in older people, it is characterized by itching in areas of dry, scaly skin. Lab work can check if there is an underlying cause: CBC/diff, liver/renal function tests, and thyroid workup. Treat with daily moisturzation and better skin hygiene. Non-sedating antihistamines for itch. Unsure about nausea

Answered 4/18/2017



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