A member asked:

Skin test for food allergies had a +2 reaction to milk and +to soy blood test came back negative still have issues w/milk what do i do ?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Food sensitivities: Blood tests are often inaccurate with regards to allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities. The best way to confirm a problem with these foods is to do a 4 week elimination diet. So do not eat dairy or soy products of any kind for 1 month and see how you feels.

Answered 3/3/2015


Dr. Andrew Seibert answered

Specializes in Gastroenterology

Milk allergies?: The vast majority of adults who can't tolerate milk are actually suffering from lactose intolerance, not an effect of an actual allergy, even if skin testing came back positive. I would recommend either avoiding milk or trying lactose-free milk products. There are even lactase supplements which can allow someone to tolerate milk. If questions, see your doctor or a GI doctor. Good luck.

Answered 3/3/2015



Avoid it!: Allergy tests can be very useful but are not without a margin of error. Listen to your body, if a particular food does not agree with you, avoid it and find other foods that will provide the nutrients you are missing. The tricky thing with eliminating milk is making sure you are getting enough Vitamin D. Calcium and protein are other considerations in planning your diet. Best wishes!

Answered 3/4/2015



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