A member asked:

Sudden wrist pain.yard work,shoveling sand,don't remember injuring.cant move wrists without pain.throbbing,clicking wrists,pain when not moving too.slight swelling at wrist bone.made a homemade sling.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Wrist Pain: Good idea to immobilize your wrist with a splint. Take some ibuprofen, put some ice on it 10 minutes out of every hour while awake. Go see your doc if not doing better in the morning.

Answered 3/13/2015


Dr. Jeffrey Wint answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Tendinitis is common: cause of these symptoms with this history . In general sudden onset of pain swelling, responds to rest, , ice applied for about 15 minute s on and off, compression gentle wrap, or use a soft splint not too tight, ad gentle elevation. If one can take these then tylenol (acetaminophen) or other OTC Nsaids can work well. A common type of tendinitis is deqervains tenosynovitis.

Answered 8/22/2015



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