A member asked:

I have pcos and really bad hirsutism is there an otc drug that'll help reduce the amount of hair ?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Gerard Honore answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

No, but...: there re several good prescription drugs that work well. Some are expensive, some cheap. It is worth your while to visit with a doctor to get these medicines; best wishes.

Answered 3/17/2015


Dr. Charles Turck answered

Specializes in Pharmacology

Limited evidence: Prescription drugs have been much better studied for hirsutism in PCOS. OTC information is very limited. Some resources suggest applying spearmint tea and/or fennel, but it is hard to say how effective it will be if at all. Non-chemical treatments include waxing every 4-6 weeks (which may irritate the skin), electrolysis, and laser hair removal.

Answered 3/25/2015



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