A member asked:

Is it possible for your cycle to last 4 days when using tampons instead of pads if your normally using pads and last 5 days ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Normal: The difference between a 4 day period and a 5 day period is not significant. It is normal to have some small variation in length. I don't think that this is due to your choice of pads vs. tampons. If you are actually on DepoProvera as your information says, that is much more likely to account for variation.

Answered 2/13/2015


Dr. Gerard Honore answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

No: The sanitary product you use does not affect at all the length of your period or your cycle. The difference between 4 days and 5 days is all well within normal. Good wishes.

Answered 2/13/2015



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