A member asked:

Hello, i'm 42 and for the past 2 years my cycles have lasted 7 days. they are very very heavy the first 3 days. i go though a pad and tampon per hr.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See your md: Many things can can cause heavy bleeding. Fibroids, polyps and bleeding disorders among them.You also need to be checked for anemia. Your physician will order an ultrasound to help determine the cause of your heavy bleeding. The perimenopause can cause heavy bleeding but your bleeding seems to be excessive for that explanation. Run, don't walk to your GYN.

Answered 2/24/2015



Heavy bleeding: Heavy bleeding and irregular bleeding when not the norm for a woman during her cycles is a concern. The change in menstruation should be assessed by your PCP. Often a work up like this includes a pap, ultrasound, and sometimes a biopsy. Additionally, not common to many practices, a hormonal assessment could be very helpful as premenopausal hormone changes can occur earlier than expected.

Answered 2/24/2015



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