Yes: You may just have tenderness over the area between your knee cap and your shin depending on how early or severe it is. Sometimes an x-ray film can help in diagnosing Osgood-Schlatter's disease but most of the time a physician experienced in diagnosis of this condition can make the diagnosis based on history and a focused physical exam.
Answered 2/4/2015
Osgood Schlatter's: You are too old for Osgoods Schlatter's disease. This injury occurs at the apophysis on the tibia tubercle. The patellar tendon attaches there, so you most likely have patellar tendinitis, aka jumper's knee. Icing, stretching of the quadriceps, knee sleeves, and reducing impact landing for a while can allow it to calm down. Dr Rich Blake
Answered 11/21/2020
Knee pain: Yes. There usually is tenderness where the patella tendon attaches.
Answered 2/4/2015
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