A member asked:

Unintentional 30lb loss in 3mos, now 151.stress/anxiety, active:bike, college/work.mirena (levonorgestrel) iud 2yr.thyroid norm.dizzy, tired, forgetful.

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Abnormal at age 19: Unintended weight loss of that magnitude need to be evaluated and could be sign of depression as you mention anxiety and stress associated with tiredness and forgetfulness. Now if you cannot stop exercise as you want to and if you are restricting food intake it could be eating disorder problem too. Please get evaluated.

Answered 9/16/2016



See a psychiatrist : Your symptoms could be caused by a mood disorder. If all your medical work ups are normal, you may request to be referred to a psychiatrist. Good luck.

Answered 10/4/2016



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