A member asked:

My tubes were tied. had surgery cystectomy doc removed part of tube left some attached to uterus and some ovary, says i can get pregnant. can i?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Possible: The tube that was removed is not likely to ever be repaired. The other tube on the other had may be put back together via a procedure called "tubal reanastamosis". You can also get pregnant by undergoing in vitro fertilization.

Answered 4/2/2013



Probably not: There is always a certain failure rate with any form of tubal ligation; but if done well and having an additional part removed with your last surgery for the cyst, i would think that the odds are extremely low. Actually, I am not sure why he told you this and if there was a concern, why did they not remove the remaining tube. Hope this helps.

Answered 12/26/2014



Unknown : Unclear what was done. Your surgeon is the best guide. Only he knows are your fallopian tubes patent or not. If you had tubal ligation it is unlikely you will get pregnant unless you have artificial implantation or reversal of previous surgery.

Answered 4/2/2013



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