A member asked:

So my under eyelid is red and swollen, and it's a little itchy, i don't have insurance so i can't go see a doctor i think it's pink eye what can i do?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Hot compresses: Most of the time pink eye causes the eyeball to be red. If this only involves the eyelid, it is either a stye or a mild skin infection. It is more likely a stye if there is a sore spot on the lid. If so, use hot compresses at least 3 times per day. Keep reheating the washcloth so you get 5-10 minutes of heat every time.

Answered 11/7/2015



Warm compresses!: Sty! you can use warm compresses - a washcloth with warm water and hold it to the closed eye for 5-10 minutes 3 times a day. You can massage it with your fingers after the compress, but do not aggravate it. You are trying to get it to drain on its own. You may need it incised and drained if this does not work. See and ophthalmologist. A sty is not and infection, so antibiotics do not help.

Answered 1/19/2017



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