A member asked:

Can there be sonwthing wrong with me i got a flu shot three mknths ago and havr been sick like 5 times sin, e then with fever runny nose and cough ?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes: Yes, there can be something wrong, but i would be very careful about blaming it on the flu shot. You may have many underlying issues that need to be examined as to the cause for your recurring and prolonged illnesses. Go see your pcp and get a thorough exam and any treatment needed. Is your lifestyle good? Good sleep, nurtrition, diet, exercise, stress freedom, vitamins, exposures?

Answered 7/17/2013


Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Viral?: It is unlikely to be related to the flu shot as this is not a live vaccine. It is possible that you have had several viral infections over the past months. How high has your fever been? If it is a low-grade fever (ex. Not higher than 100), then allergy is another possibility as the symptoms can be virtually identical. See your doctor for evaluation so proper treatment can be initiated.

Answered 3/26/2013



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