A member asked:

Make pimples disappear?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Scientific Rx: If topical benzoyl peroxide hasn't worked in 2 weeks, your physician may add topical Clindamycin &/or a retinoic acid derivative (latter's great if there are blackheads). If not sufficient, a systemic antibiotic such as tetracycline 500 2x/day is a good choice for a guy. Dermatologists have the big guns for hard cases. All acne can be managed today.

Answered 2/14/2015


Dr. Alvin Lin answered

Acne: In the states, benzoyl peroxide is available over-the-counter w/o prescription. If that doesn't work, go see your family doctor who can offer you various options like antibiotics, adapalene, Azelaic Acid & tretinoin etc. I'm not sure what's available in your country.

Answered 2/14/2015



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