A member asked:

Iam on janumet (sitagliptin and metformin) od in morning .i often take alcohol like 3or 4 drinks . please let me know the exact gap between metformin and alcohol intake?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Thomas Namey answered

Specializes in Rheumatology

Too much EtOH: This is rtoo much alcohol for a diabetic to be drinking. The calories alone are an issue. Intake should only be 1-2 daily. Can drink two hours after a dose!

Answered 10/30/2019


Dr. Tony Ho answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

No such thing: Metformin stays at steady state in your system, so there is no "exact gap" that will make the risk of interaction less. Metformin and alcohol increase the risk of lactic acidosis; it is not an issue with mild drinking, but 3-4 alcoholic drinks a day is considered heavy drinking.

Answered 3/29/2013


Dr. Victor Bonuel answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

A 2 hour gap should: Be ok . Remember that alcohol can raise your sugar level so balance the pros and cons of dietary restriction and freedom . Attain an a1c near 6 or 7 , as well as ideal body weight, good blood pressure and lipid control. Stay active and exercise on a regular basis . Have an ekg annually or whenever u have chest pain . Have fun!

Answered 11/10/2016



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