A member asked:

Chest hurts. out of breath walking short distance. do i have pneumonia or pleurisy?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Michael Ein answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

Unlikely: Shortness of breath on exertion with chest pains sounds more like a cardiac condition or copd. Pneumonia is characterized by coughing, sputum production, fever and sob at rest. Pleurisy causes chest pain on inspiration. I suggest you see your md immediately and get checked out.

Answered 9/12/2014


Dr. Michael Depietro answered

Specializes in Pulmonary Critical Care

Not specific: Shortness of breath with exertion along with chest pain is a potentially serious problem with a number of possible causes. These include heart disease, asthma, copd, or other problems. This needs to be evaluated by a medical professional promptly. One should avoid vigorous exertion until the problem has been fully discussed with ones doctor. For chest pain that persists one should call 911.

Answered 4/7/2013



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