See a doctor: There are many different things that can be causing your pain, some minor (irritable bowel) but some serious (colon ca). We need to know about the type of pain, what brings it on and what relieves it, any pertinent past history, etc. We are a "hands-on" profession and can learn a lot from physical examination. Lastly, we often need to run tests like blood tests, x-rays, or even endoscopy.
Answered 2/28/2014
Many possible: Problems. Organs in the area are colon, ureter, and ovary/fallopian tube. And these organs can have inflammatory/infectious problems, tumors (benign and malignant), or even congenital problems. For you, a 22 year old woman, the most common organ that can cause problems is reproductive organs. If pain is persistent, or is severe, you need to see a doctor to figure out what is cause.
Answered 12/16/2019
2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
A doctor has provided 1 answer
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