A member asked:

Is circumcision right for boys ?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Preventative if any: Circ rates run 0-80% depending on cultural, religious& healthcare practices around the world. The only males with uti's i've treated in 3 decades were uncircumcised & often <2mo old. You'll never have a trapped glans(paraphimosis) or cancer of the removed area. In the end, its more cultural than need.I view it similar to piercing ears but with a few potential health benefits.

Answered 3/30/2018



Depends: There are few immediate medial reasons for circumcision. The traditional belief that it will reduce UTIs has been shown not to be as high risk as thought in the 1940s. There are pros/cons with STDs. Foreskin care has lots of myths but more males are not circ'd now than in the past. Discuss this with your Pedi for all the pros/cons. Up to 60% infants in USA no longer circ'd

Answered 9/3/2015



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