A member asked:

I want to know if i have a vitamin or mineral deficiency. what test would i ask my doctor for? is there a "complete" blood test of some sort? thank u!

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Mahesh Allam answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Annual physical: I recommend a cmp ( complete metabolic panel ) CBC ( complete blood count ) urine analysis thyroid profile , vitamin b12, Folic Acid and iron levels fpr an annual physical. Further test would depend on your symptoms.

Answered 3/2/2016



Beware of scams: The common deficiencies (vitamin d, vitamin b12, and iron) are common lab tests that any physician can order. I trust you are eating a reasonable diet; if you do and also supplement with a cheap vitamin-and-mineral tablet your chances of having one of the other deficiencies is near zero. There are phony labs that diagnose weird deficiencies & recommend weird rx's; hope this isn't why you ask.

Answered 10/24/2014


Dr. Randy Baker answered

Specializes in Holistic Medicine

No complete test but: There is no "complete" test for vitamin & mineral deficiencies. There are some individual tests like vit d levels & tests can be done for the levels in various tissues, but most vitamins (like most b's & c) are not stored in your tissues & levels can vary greatly day to day. Magnesium deficiency is common but checking serum levels are near-worthless, as 99% is in your cells. See comment for more:.

Answered 10/24/2014



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