A member asked:

I have influenza and i am taking tamiflu (oseltamivir) i just wanted to know how long i am contages for while taking the tamiflu (oseltamivir)?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

5-7 Days: Patients with influenza are typically contagious for 5 to 7 days. The drug tamiflu (oseltamivir) may shorten that duration by one day but i would still be cautious.

Answered 2/4/2015



5to7daysFromTheStart: Influenza is contagious and can spread from the day before the symptoms appear and to the time Flu leaves the body. Flu lasts in the body an average of 1 week in adults but in children the symptoms may last for up to two weeks So one one can spread the flu to close contacts before one knows that he/she is sick You are contagious for 5 to7 days after symptoms develop

Answered 1/6/2016



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