A member asked:

Can ginger root be taken safely to help nausea symptoms in a person who's liver is failing due to carcinoid cancer?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Liawaty Ho answered

Specializes in Hematology and Oncology

Should be okay: Ginger root can help alleviate nausea. I don't see any problem if you want to take ginger root. You can also take it as ginger tea, ginger candy , besides the root. How bad is the liver function by the way?

Answered 3/26/2013



Yes: One of the most effective formulations of ginger root to help with nausea is to buy a raw root and thinly slice it into wafers when needed. U can chew or suck on the wafers and swallow them to help relieve nausea. You can keep the root in the freezer for longevity and slice it up as needed.

Answered 3/6/2013



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