A member asked:

Have dj syndrome. what is the treatment/medicine for high bilirubin level of more than 25 with itching, pale stool, yellow urine n eyes, low appetite?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Something else?: With the pale stools, it's time to consider that perhaps you have a second cause of direct / conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, or that the diagnosis of dubin-johnson's was a presumptive one and perhaps you have a mild adult version of alagille's or something similar. Even dj patients can get a common duct gallstone or a tumor. Time for a good workup. Good luck.

Answered 4/15/2013



Needs evaluation: Dubin johnson syndrome causes a direct hyperbilirubinemia that is benign. A bilirubin of 25 with itching and fatigue raise concern for obstructive jaundice, and this needs to be differentiated and treated appropriately. Djs in and of itself does not require medical therapy. See a doctor promptly.

Answered 6/10/2013



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