A member asked:

Is this the flu or a cold. no fever. congestion productive cough but with small amount of blood in phlegm. i have a sore throat and neck hurts.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Mark Loury answered

Specializes in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery

Could be either: Symptoms of flu and routine viral respiratory disease overlap. If it is within the first couple days then get viral cultures for flu and start tamiflu (oseltamivir) if positive to shorten and decrease illness. Otherwise treat symptoms.

Answered 10/4/2016


Dr. Bonnie Bock answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

A cold: Most influenza illnesses are associated with fairly sudden onset of muscle aches, chills and fever, and many feel very ill. Most colds are more gradual onset, without fever, but with the symptoms you describe. You may have a viral bronchitis, which is NOT treated with With antibiotics ,which do not treat viruses.

Answered 12/25/2014



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