A member asked:

What skin treatments are good for acne marks and i have one slightly slightly depressed acne scar ? any creams ? peels ? i'm on retin-a for a 5 weeks

9 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Marsha Davis answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Various: Peels can work over time. Fractional co2 ablation can do wonders to get rid of this scars. Microdermabrasion can help in less severe cases. Very severe cases require surgery oftentimes

Answered 8/14/2016


Dr. Janet Turkle answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Laser/excision: If an acne scar is depressed, consideration of local excision or a resurfacing laser treatment might be helpful. Typically, if the scar is deep, peels and creams cannot effectively eradicate the issue.

Answered 4/30/2016



Numerous choices: There are a variety of treatments that vary according to the severity of scars: chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, fillers, fat grafting, excision, grafting, etc.

Answered 11/28/2017



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