Eating disorders: What you're describing sounds more like an eating disorder -- especially anorexia nervosa -- than ocd. However, some have wondered whether there's a relationship between these 2 disorders. Fear of putting on weight and not eating, despite being thin, shows a disturbance in body image and may go along with anorexia nervosa also. Please get help from a therapist & doctor familiar w/ anorexia.
Answered 5/14/2016
Could be.: Ocd is characterized by having obsessions and compulsions, usually like the compulsion to count or to check locks many times before leaving the house. Someone with ocd understands the compulsion is not a rational response to the obsession, but can't help from enacting the compulsion. You recognize the irrationality of your fear, so maybe ocd. But my first thought was a possible eating disorder.
Answered 5/17/2016
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