A member asked:

Worried. infused with remicade (infliximab) for yrs. bloodwork's been fine till now: sed rate high (130), wbc & platelets h. rbc, hemoglobin and hematocrit low.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Larry Greenbaum answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine - rheumatology

Pancytopenia: You didn't mention why you are on remicade (infliximab). Your white blood count, red blood count, and platelet counts are all low and your ESR is very high. You need to see your doctor. You may need other labs, or you may need to see a hematologist.

Answered 6/10/2014


Dr. Aasim Sehbai answered

Specializes in Medical Oncology

Anemia: Anemia in setting of elevated citrate and long term use of remicaide should be worked up by a hematologist. We will look at all possible causes of anemia and order necessary tests as indicated.

Answered 8/14/2014



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