Depends: Depends upon how advanced the tumor is. He may have many, many years. Ask your oncologist what the five and ten year survival rates for his cancer are.
Answered 6/1/2020
Varies: Time will tell, some people have very hormone sensitive prostate cancers and others have various degrees of responsiveness. Potentially many more years if his is responsive, time will tell. His oncologist might have more information by now that can provide additional prognosis information. He could also get additional support from a palliative care team as needed.
Answered 4/27/2016
2nd opinion: There are so many variables at play. Even if a man has advanced prostate cancer, he may still have years of life ahead of him. There are a number of new targeted therapies available. Make sure his urologic oncologist is aware of these therapies.
Answered 9/28/2016
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