A member asked:

Badminton coach.did an mri.report says full tear of acl and grade2 injury to mcl.reconstruction n rehabiltation please explain..can i be back to my game?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes: You will be able to return to badminton after you heal fully from the acl reconstruction surgery. Usually, it take 1year before you can compete. You will be able to practice at about 5months depending on how your healing progresses. Even professional athletes require 1 year to return to sports. Just ensure that your surgery is performed by a sports medicine specialist.

Answered 11/30/2014


Dr. Kevin Kaplan answered

Specializes in Sports Medicine

Yes in time: The knee has 4 ligaments. Acl, pcl, mcl, lcl. These ligaments stabilize the knee. The mcl will likely heal with rehab but the acl is a ligament that unfortunately will not heal. The acl is crucial for activities involving cutting and pivoting and you may need to consider an acl reconstruction. I will refer you to my website www.Kevinkaplanmd.Com for more info on acl surgery.

Answered 2/22/2013



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