See your OB/Gyne: Reversal of tubal ligation is a procedure that is performed by your gynecologist. When you call, explain to them the reason for your visit. You'll need to go in for a consult prior to the procedure. Best of luck!
Answered 9/28/2016
Some other way: There are pros and cons to having your tubes reconstructed. In most cases, ivf is better. It depends on your age, your husband's sperm, all your other fertility factors and how many more children you wish to have.
Answered 10/10/2017
Laparoscopy: Almost all tubal ligations are reversible. Unfortunately, reproductive medicine has moved away from reversal surgery. Most practices pushing patients to ivf despite it being 3x as expensive for the preg rate. Our program is one of a handful that offers laparoscopic tubal reversal (outpatient) at a very low cost. With good ovarian function the preg rate can be >90% with chance for more preg.'s.
Answered 9/28/2016
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