A member asked:

What is bipolar disorder?

40 doctors weighed in across 15 answers
Dr. John Moranville answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Manic depressive : Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder which is characterized by abnormally high (manic) and abnormally low (depressive) episodes.

Answered 10/3/2016



Bipolar disorder: The classical description of bipolar disease is the "very high and very low" disease with highs described as feeling like superman and lows as profound depression with a high rate of suicidal ideation. However, more recently it has been associated with a more schizophrenic presentation not necessarily presenting with the very dramatic ups and downs (typically less of the manic phase).

Answered 10/4/2016



Mania/Depression: Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric condition which causes cycling of the mood between depression and mania. Mania is characterized by extreme hyperactivity, exuberance and often insomnia. Depression usually exhibits the opposite. The cycles can be rapid or more slow and the extremes can be muted. It is important to diagnose properly because treatment differs from that of depression alone.

Answered 4/4/2015



Manic depressive: Mood swing with patient can fluctuate between higher ( high) and lower (lows) or ffeling irritable.

Answered 5/7/2016


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Mood Disorder: Mania or hypomania: 1 may show aggression, agitation, v judgment ; impulse control, distractability, rapid thoughts ; speech, ^ libido, v sleep, spending sprees, high risk behaviors, elation, ^ physical activity or psychosis. When depressed 1 may have low mood, v energy level, v concentration, amotivation, ^ or v sleeping, ^ or v in appetite, poor self esteem, feelings of hopelessness or >.

Answered 4/4/2015



Bipolar: Bipolar I and bipolar II, In the first, manic phases are more severe, and in the second, depressive phases are more severe. There is also cyclothymia which is a low grade version of bipolar disorder in general, where mood swings are not as severe in either direction, manic or depressive.

Answered 4/5/2015


Dr. George Klauber answered

Specializes in Pediatric Urology

Manic depression: Psychiatric condition where subject experiences both episodes of severe depression & mania or hypomania. These episodes are frequently cyclical or seasonal. Subject often attributes depressive episodes to external causes such as unpleasant boss or feeling ill. Manic episodes can vary from being"life & soul of the party" to being extremely obnoxious & "impossible". Best treated by a psychiatrist.

Answered 10/4/2016


Dr. Dheeraj Raina answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Major Mental Illness: Bipolar disorder is a lifelong mental illness which features recurrent episodes of severe depression and of hypomania/mania - which is best explained as the opposite of depression. Bipolar disorder usually has a strong biological basis. The diagnosis is best made by a psychiatrist. The phrase, "he/she is bipolar" used by lay people often implies emotionality, not the diagnosis.

Answered 5/20/2015



Bipolar: Bipolar I and bipolar II, In the first, manic phases are more severe, and in the second, depressive phases are more severe. There is also cyclothymia which is a low grade version of bipolar disorder in general, where mood swings are not as severe in either direction, manic or depressive.

Answered 6/23/2017



EVALUATE: Bd is a biochemical/phisiologic illness, generally long- lasting, generally with recurrent serious depression and/or very energized, ill considered and sometimes psychotic behavior. The DX is made too casually these days, based on an episode of angry behavior and DX should be made ; confirmed with an expert. Treatment is generally manditory to manage.

Answered 4/13/2016


Dr. Dheeraj Raina answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Major Mental Illness: Bipolar disorder is a lifelong mental illness which features recurrent episodes of severe depression and of hypomania/mania - which is best explained as the opposite of depression. Bipolar disorder usually has a strong biological basis. The diagnosis is best made by a psychiatrist. The phrase, "he/she is bipolar" used by lay people often implies emotionality, not the diagnosis.

Answered 5/15/2015



Bipolar: Bipolar I and bipolar II, In the first, manic phases are more severe, and in the second, depressive phases are more severe. There is also cyclothymia which is a low grade version of bipolar disorder in general, where mood swings are not as severe in either direction, manic or depressive.

Answered 4/6/2015


Dr. Alan Ali answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Bipolar: Moods swing to extremes, between episodes of depression lasting around few weeks & phases of mania lasting few weeks each. Milder forms are called bipolar type 2 or cyclothymia, more severe forms are accompanied with psychotic symptoms such as hearing voices or seeing things that are not there. Your mental health counselor can assess & give more definite diagnosis.

Answered 10/17/2015



Risk: In the general population incidence is 1 to 4%. Beyond that, a face to face evaluation is needed. The mood disorder questioner (mqd) is in public domain as a good screen tool and/or conversation starter with a md.

Answered 5/20/2016


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Please get help.: Bipolar Disorder is treatable. Recommend comprehensive psychiatric evaluation. If you do in fact have bipolar disorder a mix of psychotropic medications and talking therapy can be very helpful. Take care.

Answered 11/8/2016



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