Depends on cause: Either the gland itself is at fault or the pituitary gland is at fault. If the thyroid is causing the hyperthyroidism, surgical excision or chemical ablation can effectively remove the gland. There are medications that can be taken to inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis if you are not a candidate for either of these. If the pituitary gland is the source of trouble, that can be removed surgically.
Answered 3/30/2016
Three ways: There are medications that lower the thyroid level, surgical removal of all or part of the gland, radioactive iodine. An endocrinologist should be able to guide which method is best for a particular patient.
Answered 2/24/2018
Hyperthyroidism: A thyroid gland secreting too much thyroid hormone. Medications, radioactive treatments, and surgery are options.
Answered 4/22/2013
Antithyoid Rx or RAI: Prefer antithyroid meds to reduce radiation to ovaries (small but radiation). Antithyroid drugs are the first line in treating. Make sure a nodule that makes excess thyroid is not the cause. (Toxic nodule).
Answered 6/23/2014
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