A member asked:

I keep jawning and i get the feeling that i can't breath! i keep doing this all day long and my jaw hurts from jawning so much?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Muscle soreness: Your muscles in your face are being stretched whenever you yawn. From doing this repeatedly you are fatiguing them. They are very sore like they went through a workout at the gym. When you yawn you are not taking in a breath. So you are not getting any oxygen. Try getting more sleep on a regular basis for one week. If that doesn't improve the yawning, see a physician.

Answered 3/12/2015



Yawning: Sounds like you are not fully oxygenating. Please see your GP or Urgent Care to start the diagnostic process. Referral to a Pulmonolgist may be in order.

Answered 10/21/2018



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