Vitamin A: Vitamin a , 15000 iu has been shown to slow down the progression of retinitis pigmentosa in some patients. A bifocal lens implanted during cataract surgery may not be the best lens for an rp patient. Small decreases in contrast sensitivity and halos can rarely occur with a bifocal iol. The best vision may be optained with a convetional implant. Your ophthalmologist can help you choose.
Answered 12/2/2014
No treatment for RP: There has been no proven treatment for retinitis pigmentosa. A bifocal lens or any spectacle lens for that matter has no impact on the health of the eye. A multifocal intraocular lens increases the depth of focus of the eye but does decrease contrast sensitivity. A decrease in contrast sensitivity can impact the quality of vision for some patients.
Answered 2/25/2013
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