A member asked:

30 yr old male, subluxated lens in 1 eye, caused by trauma occurred 28 yrs ago. lens have cataract. can sight be restored & what is cost of surgery?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Amin Ashrafzadeh answered

Specializes in Ophthalmology

Complex!: What you are describing is a fairly complex procedure. Cataract surgery will restoring your sight. The surgery may or may not be successful in maintaining the lining of your lens and may require the lens to be either sown into the wall of the eye or placed in front of your iris. Possibility of needing a surgery to fish out lens fragments as a second surgery exist. Cost will be variable ~$5k.

Answered 9/23/2013



Further evaluation: The vision can be restored after trauma, but a complete examination is needed to determine realistic expectations. If the retina or optic nerve has been damaged, visual recovery may be limited. Since your injury happened at age 2, amblyopia (lazy eye) will probably limit the useful vision in the eye. The surgery for subluxed cataract surgery is difficult but should be covered by insurance.

Answered 9/13/2014


Dr. Jay Bradley answered

Specializes in Cornea, Cataract, & Refractive (LASIK & PRK) Surgery

Retinal surgeon: You likely need a lensectomy and lens implant performed by a retinal surgeon. This should be covered by insurance. If you do not have insurance, it will likely cost you several thousand dollars.

Answered 12/16/2012



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