A member asked:

How do i get my daugther to eat normal food. she only wants candy and everytji.g the has sugar. she is also anemic constanly.?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Balanced diet.: With picky eaters, it's important to ensure a balanced diet. First, go thru fridge and cabinets & get rid of all junk food. If all that's given to her is healthy, she'll eventually eat some. Your child may need to try one particular food 18 times on 18 different days before accepting it, so don't give up! sometimes, giving the food in different forms, or mixed with other foods, helps.

Answered 11/26/2013



Agree: Your daughter is eating candy because the candy is available to her. If it's not available, she can't eat it. This is a habit she has developed, and it's not an easy one to break. Be prepared to let her be hungry, and remember it's perfectly ok for her to eat nothing and to be hungry when you are making plenty of healthy food available to her. Good luck to you.

Answered 10/8/2013



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