A member asked:

I have a bad cough i can't get rid of, what can it be?

8 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

Unclear: Unclear, but could be one of many things. Best next approach is to contact your primary care provider and undergo a detailed physical exam.

Answered 4/3/2012


Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Depends...: It depends on how long you have been coughing but in general possibilities include bronchospasm, post-nasal drip, gerd or a combination of these diagnoses. Acute bronchitis can be the diagnosis if the cough is present for a few days to a week or 2. If you smoke, you need to quit to decrease inflammation. Your doctor can help make diagnosis and w/smoking cessation.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. John McMahan answered

Specializes in ENT - Head & Neck Surgery

Chronic Cough: See your doctor... Quick solutions can stop your cough almost overnight - why suffer. In addition they can diagnose and treat other, more chronic conditions that cause coughing... Allergies, pneumonia, sinus infections, asthma, gerd, tb, etc.

Answered 1/31/2014


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

See dr-bad/chronic: Hydrate well. Consider using a warm air vaporizer. Mix several teaspoons of honey into herbal tea with a squeeze of lemon juice. Or make tea with 2 tsp of marshmallow root bark per 1cup of hot water (steep in a covered pot for at least 5 minutes). Drink several times a day or as needed to relieve coughing. See a physician if your cough is not resolving, difficulty breathing or temp > 104.

Answered 4/21/2013



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