A member asked:

I'm a little worried. when i get my wisdom teeth out, and am on anesthesia, will i say weird or bad things?

8 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

No: Not ususally because you will have a lot going on in your mouth with the surgeons hands and instruments in your mouth oyu will not be able to say a whole lot.

Answered 2/9/2013



Probably not.: Depending on the anesthetic/sedative agents used and the method of administration (iv vs. Oral) a patient usually doesn't verbalize during a procedure. That being said, some sedative agents do minimize a persons inhibitions and they might say something that wouldn't be mentioned otherwise.

Answered 11/10/2015


Dr. Zahid Ahmed answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Dont worry: Sedation in general is inhibitory so although it will depend on the agent and type of sedation. Either way, it is rare for patients i say serious things, in that if anything it just light hearted smiles. Even if anything is said, you can trust your surgeon and team to maintain a level of professionalism as they are likely experienced in sedation. If concerned bring it up with your provider perhaps.

Answered 3/5/2013


Dr. Richard Pollard answered

Specializes in Anesthesiology

No: Under general anesthesia you will essentially be deeply asleep. You will not do or say anything inappropriate.

Answered 4/24/2015



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