A member asked:

Im a student in college and just married.im looking for denatl insurance but im so confused, there are so many types.any advice on good dental ins.?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Stay with PPO plans: Yes it is confusing. There are hmo (dmo) or ppo plans. Usually the ppo plans have better coverage. The monthly premiums for the hmo plans are less but you get less benefits. Ask exactly what is covered, cleanings, exams, xrays, wisdom teeth, fillings etc and how much. Also what is the maximum coverage per year? $1000? $2000? Is there a waiting period before the benefits start?

Answered 8/21/2013


Dr. Gary Sandler answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Dental Insurance-: You won't be able to get any decent dental insurance on your own as an individual. The best plans are through employers. Unfortunately the more that is contributed into the plan and the larger the group, the better the coverage. You have to compare the plans side by side concerning maximums, deductibles, in vs. Out of networks, waiting periods, etc.

Answered 10/24/2017



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