A member asked:

Tingling in pinky finger 1 week post op from ganglion cyst surgery what can i do to relieve this ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Leon Katz answered

Specializes in Bariatrics

Give it time: Just give it a few more days and see that the tingling gets better. In case the tingling doesn't get better please contact the surgeon who removed your cyst. Ultimately the best person to answer this question is your surgeon as opposed to myself or any other generic surgeon who doesn't know the operative findings.

Answered 12/18/2012


Dr. Jeffrey Wint answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Tingling: If this is in the same finger as the ganglion there may have been pressure on the nerve or need for the nerve to be handled but the otherwise may simply be swelling in the finger.

Answered 4/13/2018



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