A member asked:

I found a lump in my right breast and i went to the doctor she found 3 more. i have a mammogram and ultrasound on friday, kind of scared should i be?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Parul Krishnamurthy answered

Specializes in Obstetrics & Gynecology

No: Most likely these will be due to fibrocystic breast disease.

Answered 12/6/2012



Probably Benign: Many breast lumps found on (self) examination are simply "lumpy-bumpy" breast tissue. If a dominant mass is present, it could be a cyst, a benign tumor, or a cancer. The best way to differentiate these is to see a breast surgeon and/or undergo evaluation at a breast center. I hope you hear good news.

Answered 12/9/2013



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