A member asked:

What treatments exist for wrinkly lips?

14 doctors weighed in across 6 answers
Dr. Karen Han answered

Botox,fillers,laser: Depending on how deep your wrinkles are, lines around the lip can be treated with a combination of Botox (reducing pursing motion of the lips), fillers (injections into the deeper lines), and laser resurfacing to address the fine lines.

Answered 9/9/2014



Laser/Chem/Botox: I like to start with laser options (true resurfacing) for the best chance at "correction". Chemical peels can be utilized too, but sometimes lasers are more predictable. In some circumstances fillers can help to camouflage lip lines, but are certainly not a magic wand for this application. Botox can help with wear and tear if you chronically purse your lips out of habit (or smoking).

Answered 12/13/2014



Wrinkles on lips: Retin- a, dermabrasion, carbon dioxide laser, fraxel restore laser, fraxel repair laser, fraxel clear and brilliant laser, portrait plasma resurfacing, and minute doses of Botox in some patients, as an off-label procedure can help. Restylane (dermal fillers) and juvederm fillers can help too. No smoking and use sunscreen.

Answered 2/6/2019



Erbium lase: Scitpn fractionated erbium os another option with a fast healing tome of 3-4 days. The period of redness is limited compared to carbon dioxide lasers. Deeper wrinkles may require more than one session with a fractionated laser. Erbium can be isedon darker skin types.

Answered 2/6/2019



Laser, Botox, filler: Carbon dioxide (co2) laser is best for deep wrinkles. Fractional co2 (active fx, deepfx, re:pair) good for moderate wrinkles. Erbium laser and fraxel (re:store, re:fine) for milder wrinkles and also safer on darker skin. Chemical acid peels (moderate to deep) are an option. Fillers (ie: restylane, (dermal fillers) juvederm) and Botox may also be necessary.

Answered 6/24/2014



Fillers: Lips thin with age due to loss of volume on the face. This causes a turning in of the lip. Add volume to lips by using fillers like juvederm or Restylane (dermal fillers) to help define and augment them.

Answered 6/30/2014



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