A member asked:

I am a diabetic. is this pain in my feet normal? i can barely walk at times... i am a diabetic and i have calluses on my feet. they are located in the center area right below my toes. i've had them for a few years now. they neve were bad , but this passed

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Hello. : Hello. You might wish to see a podiatrist. If you are diabetic, it is best to have foot care done by a professional. A podiatrist can work with the callouses. Injections is an option. However, an adjunct to your care could be medical acupuncture. It is performed by do's and md's and can be helpful with a variety of sources of foot pain including neuropathic pain.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Daniel Weiss answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

The : The calluses should not cause pain. There are multiple possible causes for this type of foot pain. I cannot tell from the nature of your pain and its location what the cause is. Some treatments are very simple including that for porokeratosis which may look like a callus but be painful. I advise you to always wear a shoe or good soled slipper when walking even around your house. See a podiatrist for a clear diagnosis. The pain is not normal and it may not be related to the diabetes.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Payam Rafat answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Depends on the cause: Many things can cause calluses. Some reasons that one may develop a callus include: viral infections (warts), friction, pressure, repedetive trauma, and a limitation of joint motion. Some genetic conditions may also cause people to develop calluses on the hands and the feet. Treatment depends on the cause of the problem. Have it evaluated by a professional and get the appropriate treatment.

Answered 5/26/2016



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