It : It really all depends on a number of factors. One of the biggest predictors of survival is what your overall heart function is, or your ejection fraction (ef). There are many other factors that contribute to survival including what the cause of your heart failure it, your other illnesses (diabetes, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, etc.) as well as your age, gender, symptoms, how well treated your heart failure is (are you on good medications), and various other factors. Heart failure therapy has come a long way over the past 20 years with not only excellent medical therapies but also mechanical heart support as dick cheney had done prior to his transplant. Talk with your cardiologist about your condition and therapy, and continue to educate yourself on heart failure and what you can do to help yourself. I would recommend checking out the website http://www.Cardiosmart.Org/ which is put out by the american college of cardiology for additional information.
Answered 10/3/2016
True ButVeryVariable: Your primary decision maker with most vested interest is you! study anatomy + physiology ; work to understand best options, commonly not promoted/discussed by others with other priorities who do not live with your outcomes. Optimize NMR particle test, hba1c, bp, acei/arb + Coreg (carvedilol) (carefully adjusted by user) ; echo you read ; understand have best tract record. CHF success rates have greatly ?ed.
Answered 11/28/2017
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