A member asked:

How long should i wait to go to the doctor for the swelling? i take 60mg of lasix and i also take atenolol, spironolactone and k-dur. i am always swollen in my legs, ankles and top of feet. the water pills don't work every day like they should.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

There : There is a lot that is not known here. Don't know how long you have been on a trial of the current medication regimen. Don't know how high your blood pressure is running or if you have any congestive heart failure. Would recommend that you call your doctor or his / her medical staff to pose this question.

Answered 12/6/2016



Agreed : Agreed with dr. Fowler. Please limit sodium/ salt intake. If you eat more than 1500 mg of sodium per day, the medications stop working.

Answered 9/27/2020



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