Hernia : Hernia is simply a hole in the muscle and if it did not close by now then surgical clossure is appropriate. It is a simple out patient procedure.
Answered 10/3/2016
You : You seem to be describing a condition of an umbilical hernia. These hernias are quite common and often are not that serious. I do not know if you are describing that the hernia is affecting your mother, or your baby sister. Umbilical hernias in newborns babies are common and may resolve on their own, without surgery, by age two. If they are causing discomfort or enlarging, then surgery would be recommended. In an adult, an umbilical hernia will not resolve on its own, and would eventually need an operation to repair the hernia. But that surgery is elective, meaning it can be repaired at the preference of the patient, depending on hernia size, hernia discomfort, or hernia enlargement. Hernia incarceration means a sudden onset of bad painful hernia swelling and the hernia becomes very hard, then emergency evaluation and surgery may be necessary.
Answered 10/4/2016
Minor : Minor protrusions are most likely an umbilical hernia. Other more severe and life threatening variations are called gastroschisis or omphalocoele.
Answered 10/4/2016
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