A member asked:

I keep getting eye styes and i take a multi vitamin, prylosic(acid reflux), iron tablet on a daily basis. but the styes keep coming back. what should i do?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Matthew Rauen answered

Specializes in Ophthalmology

Warm : Warm soaks with massage every day for 2 minutes. Ask your eye doctor if you would be a candidate for oral Doxycycline antibiotics. A topical antibiotic / steroid combination could also be considered with close monitoring.

Answered 10/3/2016



You : You probably have an underlying problem that is causing the styes, such as blepharitis. If standard treatment with eyelid scrubs is not working, your eye doctor will often suggest the use of an antibiotic pill for a few months that may help. More info about blepharitis:.

Answered 10/4/2016


Dr. John Kim answered

Specializes in Ophthalmology

Unfortunately, : Unfortunately, some patients are more predisposed to developing styes. Two common causes are meibomian gland dysfunction and blepharitis. For both, the treatment starts with lid scrubs twice a day and use of warm compress. Ophthalmologist can prescribe an antibiotic eye drops or oral antibiotics but they are not as effective as good lid scrubbing and warm compresses. Also, try avoiding "nuts" and "nut products" they are often enjoyed in excess by the patients that get styes often.

Answered 10/4/2016



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